Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blog Prompt Week 2 - Evolution of War

In your opinion, how has war evolved from the past to present? Use examples to justify your opinions

War has evolved in many aspects.

The first would be the type of weaponry used. In the past, war would be depicted knight in shining armour, people on horseback, carrying swords, with the battlecry. As we moved into the 18 century, we could see the emergence of guns as the primary fighting tool instead of swords and shields. Slowly, we moved on to the war in the air, the sea, and the tanks. Of course, guns have been constantly improving to include sniping. Cannons were introduced. Finally, with the nuclear age, don't forget the "Thin boy" and "Fat Man", the first of the nuclear bombs which were dropped on Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war as quickly as possible. Currently, the stealth plane was been developed, designed to avoid getting caught on radar and able to be remote controlled to bomb certain targets.

The second would be the way of communication. Communication in warfare started off with people travelling from one place to another to send the message to another contingent. The marathon started off due to a battle in Greece against the Persians, when the the army from the state Athens defeated the Persians despite being outnumbered. Before the battle, a runner was sent to Sparta to ask for help. (When the Olympic marathon was started, they based it on a fabled run, where they mixed the story up, stating that the runner ran from Marathon to Athens, crying "Victory" before collapsing dead on the ground due to exhaustion.) As time progressed, communication became more complex, with the invention of the telegram and the coded messages. Now, we have radars and trackers, communication satellites, and walkie-talkies.

However, no matter how war develops, the reasons and processes always remains the same. War would always be a matter of taking sides, a violent 'resolution' to a certain problem. War would always involve espionage and assassination, as well as back-stabbing. As seen in Emperor Qin's unification of China, there was an assassination attempt on him. In the 1st and 2nd World War, there were spies everywhere, whether working like James Bond or managing to work in the enemy government. Spies still exist this very day, as seen in the recent spat due to 14 Russian spies like Anna Chapman. War would always result in the whole human race victimised and suffering. 


  1. Another point you might want to consider is the generations in the past and the generations in the present, with the aid of technology, the young people have no fear to express their discontent and thus results in many heated arguments.

  2. I totally agree with you that no matter how ar develops, the reasons and processes always remain the same. The nature of war will remain unchanged, from the past, present and even in the future. Hatred breeds war and war breeds hatred et again, resulting in the human race suffering because of its own nature. I enjoyed reading your post, you are probably one of the few people that did not neglect the fact that actually war has not changed since the past.
    Jack Tan 2O307

  3. Hi Gregory, I am Darrel. I totally agree that no matter how war envolve, bloodshed, pain and harm is still brought to people. However, I feel that you can consider adding in the methods of torture and how they have envolved. Thanks!
