Saturday, April 23, 2011

Online Lesson (Week 4)

War Photos (Go to 3:39)

(Photo found in 3:39 of the video)

This is a black and white photo of an injured soldier hit by grenade fragments from an ambush during the Cambodian war. They appear to be surrounded by a wooden safety barrier, away from any battle so that his wounds could be attended to. The soldier grits his teeth and is writhing in pain, as if a shell has pierced deep into his flesh, resulting in a severe wound to fester. A bandage has been wrapped tightly around his waist, probably to stem the bleeding. His comrades look anxiously on, seeming very fearful, and at a loss at what to do or say. One of the onlookers hugs the injured soldier and lends a shoulder to prop him up. The atmosphere is tense, in with the pressure of attempting to salvage an injured soldier’s life, as well as a high chance of yet another good friend succumbing to death due to injuries. The lack of colour in the photo shows how old the picture is, and the comrades already look like they are mourning for the death of their platoon member. This photo displays the atrocity and cruelty of war, how merciless the war can be, and innocent people fighting for their lives. When this war is won, while the government gains all the credit, it is the quiet determination of these soldiers to have risked and even lost their lives that allow such victories to take place. It is rather unfortunate that for most soldiers, their efforts tend to go unnoticed and underappreciated. They become yet another civilian in history who was forced to take up arms for the love for his country.   

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